Subordinate Organizations of the Ministry

Academy of the MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was established according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from September 2, 1994, of No. 447 "On establishing of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

Duration of study at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter the Academy) in the form of full-time education is 3 years. Graduates will be awarded of higher education equivalent to a master's degree (qualification of a lawyer) and a special rank "Lieutenant".

The Academy has specialities of “Investigation”, “Investigative activities” (Police Operations), “Crime prevention activities”, “Forensic activities”, “Road safety activities”, “Psychological support of service” and “Execution of criminal penalties”.

Admission procedure:

Admission to the Academy is carried out following the Charter on the procedure for selection and admission of candidates for full-time education at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 1, 2017, № 958.

Children of existing law enforcement officers who have made significant contributions to the prevention of offences and crime, and who have achieved outstanding results in their service or research activities, will get a five per cent quota from the total number of cadets admission to the Academy.

Graduates of the academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military academic lyceums, employees of law-enforcement bodies, as well as assistants of (senior) inspectors on maintaining public order who are under the age of 18 and 25 years, are admitted on a competitive basis to the Academy.

Admission to the Academy of the MIA is organized in the following stages:

- preliminary selection;

- special professional selection;

- final individual interview.

Applicants take tests in Uzbek or Russian.

The Academy announces the selection of candidates for admission through the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Academy's official website and media. It will contain the admission address of the applications, the time and place of the selection, the terms of acceptance and other information related to the competition.

Preliminary selection:

- Collecting the documents related to the candidate and his descriptive information, to identify several details about the candidate (marital status, attitudes of parents and close relatives in the service of the law enforcement bodies.);

- to determine a candidate's suitability to study according to health.

Preliminary selection will be held:

- in the relevant internal affairs offices at the place of permanent residence for graduates of the academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

- collection and examination of documents procedure in the relevant internal affairs offices at the place of permanent residence for graduates of military academic lyceums and the medical examination procedure in the relevant internal affairs offices located in the area of the military academic lyceum;

- in the place of service and military units for officers and military personnel.

Applications for admission to the Academy are accepted from November 15 to February 15 of the year preceding the year of admission.

A medical examination is held by specialized medical-military commissions in the Ministry and Internal Affairs offices following the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 764 dated September 26, 2017 "On approval of the Charter on the organization of medical examination and conducting a military-medical examination in the offices of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 Special professional selection:

- examination of documents;

- medical examination;

- psychophysiological examination;

- written assignment (composition or essay);

- assessment of the level of physical training;

- assessment of foreign languages proficiency.

Candidates who scored less than 50% of the highest possible score on the psychophysiological examination, written assignment, physical preparation, and foreign language proficiency scores are not allowed in the final individual interview.

Final individual interview:

The primary purpose of the final interview is to provide a comprehensive and fair assessment of the candidates' knowledge in the fields of law, history of Uzbekistan and the world, literature, the basics of spirituality and the ideology of national independence: main concepts and principles.

The Admissions Committee conducts the final interview based on collegiality with at least one qualified specialist in each subject.

Questions for candidates are developed following the curriculums of secondary, secondary specialized and vocational education.

Priority to Applicants:

  1. A) The applicants with Certificate of foreign language proficiency of the state sample B1 and above will be granted with maximum score and exempted from foreign language testing according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 11, 2017, № 610 "On measures to further improving the quality of teaching foreign languages in educational institutions."
  2. B) Children of military personnel and law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty are accepted to study at the Academy without final individual interview based on the results of the preliminary and special professional competition and the recommendation of the head of the relevant ministry or agency.
  3. C) Children of law enforcement officers who died or injured in the fight against terrorism and crime and public safety, except for admission quotas to the Academy, and children of the existing officers of law enforcement agencies who have made significant contributions to the prevention of offences and crime, and those who succeeded a high level of service or research activity will be accepted with five per cent quota and the results of the preliminary and special professional selection, and with the recommendation of the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Admission to the Academy within the limits of allocated five per cent quota for the children of the current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs shall be in sequence, based on the scores earned in the special professional selection.

Candidates who are not eligible for the allocated five per cent admission quota will participate in the overall selection process based on the results of their special professional selection.

  1. D) According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan from February 5, 1993, PD-555 "About measures for encouragement of pupils of Uzbekistan" and in accordance with the Regulation on awarding students of academic lyceums, professional colleges and secondary schools who have won the International and Republican Olympiads, contests and competitions approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 226 dated October 13, 2008, based on the results of the preliminary and special professional selection, by the decision of the Admission Committee winners of the international and republican Olympiads will be enrolled to the Academy without final individual interviews.

The list of the winners of international and republican Olympiads, contests and competitions recommended for enrollment to the Academy for the non-competitive examination is approved by the State Commission for Admission to Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 Enrollment to the Academy:

Based on the results of the special professional selection, and final individual interviews, candidates will be enrolled and become cadets of the Academy.

Academic lyceums of the MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

Fourteen academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were established based on the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 16, 2017, № PR-3216 "On measures to entirely improve the system of training, retraining and advanced training of law enforcement officers."

They are:

  1. Karakalpak Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Nukus);
  2. Andijan Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Andijan);
  3. Bukhara Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Bukhara);
  4. Djizzakh Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Djizzakh);
  5. Kashkadarya Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Karshi);
  6. Navoi Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Navoi);
  7. Namangan Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Namangan);
  8. Samarkand Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Samarkand);
  9. Syrdarya Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Gulistan);
  10. Surkhandarya Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Zharkurgan);
  11. Tashkent Academic Lyceum No.1 of the MIA (Tashkent);
  12. Tashkent Academic Lyceum No.2 of the MIA (Kibray).
  13. Fergana Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Fergana);
  14. Khorezm Academic Lyceum of the MIA (Urgench).

In the academic lyceums, the primary attention is paid to the improvement of the students' high patriotic and spiritual-moral qualities, to prepare them mentally and physically with the fundamental professional knowledge and skills to enter the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Admission procedure:

Admission to the academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out by the Regulation on the acceptance of students to academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 767 dated September 26, 2017.

Candidates who have completed the 9th grade of secondary schools, suitable in terms of health to study and those who successfully passed preliminary, special-professional selection and testing are eligible for admission to the academic lyceums.

Applications are accepted from February 1 to April 15 of the year of admission.

For the children of the existing law enforcement officers who have made significant contributions to the prevention of offences and crime, and who have achieved outstanding results in their service or research activities, will be granted with a five per cent quota of the total enrollment scores.

Admission to the Academic lyceums of the MIA is organized in the following stages:

- preliminary selection;

- special-professional selection;

- Testing.

Preliminary selection:

- Examination of the documents submitted by the candidates willing to enter the academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

- Initial interviews in person;

- to examine the individual-psychological characteristics of candidates;

- Examination of the Medical Commission.

A medical commission organised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional health departments and the Tashkent City Main Health Department examines the candidates at their place of residence.

Applicants are not eligible to apply in the following cases:

- the candidate is not a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- the candidate is incompetent or has a limited ability to communicate;

- the conviction status of the candidate has not been expunged, or the conviction has not been removed;

-  proceeding a criminal case, enquiry and preliminary investigation against the candidate;

- presence of negative recommendations from the police from the place of residence.

Special-professional selection:

- testing the candidate's level of orthographic and punctuation literacy;

- testing the candidates' level of physical training;

- final individual interview.

Applicants write dictation in the test to define the level of orthography and punctuation literacy.

The procedure, methodology and assessment criteria of written work (dictation) will be developed and approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The admissions committee holds an examination of applicants' physical training with the involvement of relevant specialists.

The procedure, methodology and assessment criteria for defining the level of physical training of candidates will be developed and approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The final interview will be conducted by the Admissions Committee to examine applicant's understanding the essence of the reforms being implemented in the Republic, his/her broad outlook and intellectual potential, leadership qualities, knowledge, mental abilities and other relevant professional characteristics.

The procedure, methodology and assessment criteria of final individual interviews will be developed and approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The arrangement of applicants to take the test is decided based on the results of the special-professional selection.


Testing is carried out according to the approved procedure by the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the established terms by the State Commission for Admission to Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The State Commission approves the testing block of school subjects for Admission to Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Applicants pass the test in one of three languages: the state language, Russian language and Karakalpak language.

Priority to Applicants:

According to the decision of the State Commission for Admission to the academic lyceum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the following candidates who meet the results of the preliminary and special-professional contest will be admitted on a preferential basis:

  1. A) Winners of Republican stage of the International Olympiads and Olympiads in relevant specialities, as well as competitions and contests held by the Ministry of Public Education, Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and holders of a Vocational Training Center Certificate;
  2. B) children of military personnel and law enforcement officers died in the line of duty.
  3. C) Children of law enforcement officers who died or injured in the fight against terrorism and crime and public safety, except for admission quotas, and children of the existing officers of law enforcement agencies who have made significant contributions to the prevention of offences and crime, and those who succeeded a high level of service or research activity will be accepted with five per cent quota with the recommendation of the Minister of Internal Affairs.
  4. D) Admission to the Academic Lyceum of the MIA within the limits of allocated five per cent quota for the children of the current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs shall be in sequence, based on the scores earned in the special-professional selection.

Candidates who are not eligible for the allocated five per cent admission quota will participate in the overall selection process based on the results of their special-professional selection.

  1. E) Graduates of the specialized boarding school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who meet the results of the preliminary contest, are admitted on a preferential basis without special-professional selection and testing in their place of permanent residence.

 Admission procedure:

Admission to academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out based on quotas established by the Minister of Internal Affairs, taking into account the needs of law enforcement bodies.

The admission of applicants to the academic lyceum of the MIA is based on the results of the testing.

Applicants with equal passing scores will be admitted to the academic lyceums of the MIA beyond the quota.

Specialized boarding school of the MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 19, 2018, № 459 "On measures for establishing the specialized boarding school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" to give an education and ensure social and legal protection of the children of military personnel and law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty or died as a result of contusion, illness and injury a specialized boarding school of the MIA is founded in the city of Tashkent, Uchtepa district.

Schoolchildren of the boarding school are provided with food, clothing, footwear, soft accessories and other necessary items according to the established norms.

Admission procedure:

The procedure of admission to specialized boarding school is processed by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs No. 286 dated October 20, 2018 (Registered by the Ministry of Justice № 3089) based on the charter on the procedure for holding contests and registration of documents for admission of pupils to the specialized boarding school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Every year, 50 students, who have completed the 4th grade, are enrolled in the boarding school. Eighty per cent of enrolled pupils (boys) are children of law enforcement officers, and 20 per cent are children of other citizens.

Regional working groups regularly carry out promotion to organize a selection of candidates for the boarding school. Promotions are carried out through meetings in the secondary schools, residential areas and police. Competition is announced by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs. The terms of admission and the deadline for the contest will be published in the media and official website of the Ministry.

Parents or their substitutes whose children wish to enrol in a boarding school apply to the territorial police department at their place of permanent residence.

Employees whose children wish to enrol in a boarding school may apply directly to the head of the police departments.

Applications are accepted from April 15 to June 1 of the year of admission.

After the collection of documents by the working group, pupils will be examined by a medical commission established at the regional health institution from June 10 to June 20.

Medical examinations reveal anthropometric characteristics of the learner (body weight, height and chest circumference), functional abilities, and health problems.

Selection stages:

collecting and analysing documents;

defining the level of spelling and punctuation literacy;

defining the level of physical training;

final test.

Specialists included in the admission committee conduct the dictation following the methodology approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The admissions committee for dictation includes specialists from boarding schools, as well as specialists from secondary schools, can be invited to the commission by agreement.

Specialists included in the admission committee assess the level of physical training of the candidates following the methodology approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The admissions committee includes specialists in the field of physical training and sports from boarding schools and territorial bodies of internal affairs to assess the level of physical training of the candidates. Specialists can be invited from the system of the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan by agreement.

Candidates who scored less than 6 points by the admission committee based on the results of the stages of dictation and the level of physical training are not permitted to the tests conducted by the State Testing Center.

Tests on school subjects are conducted following the established procedure by the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 15 August to 25 August, in the period agreed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The State Testing Center conducts an evaluation of candidates' knowledge in school subjects (native language and literature, and mathematics) by testing.

Testing is conducted in Uzbek, Russian and Karakalpak languages ​​within the framework of the state educational standards of general secondary education.

Priorities to Candidates:

The children of employees who died while participating in public order, combating activities, anti-terrorist operations, legal maintenance of emergencies and elimination of their consequences are admitted to the boarding school without a contest.

Also, based on an additional quota (5% of the admission quota), children without parents or their substitutes will be selected by the Minister of Internal Affairs, as recommended by the territorial interdepartmental commission, taking into account the behaviour, abilities and interests of underage and neglected minors are admitted without contest.

Nukus Military-academic lyceum "Temurbeks school" MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan

According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 28, 2019, PD-№ 4375 "On additional measures for improving the system of military-patriotic education of adolescents and training of personnel reserve for the Armed Forces and the public service of the Republic of Uzbekistan" Nukus Military-academic lyceum "Temurbeks School" (Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan) is established.

Admission and study in newly established Nukus Military-Academic Lyceum "Temurbeks School" (hereinafter "Temurbeks School") will begin in the 2020/2021 academic year.

The term of study at the Temurbeks school is two years, and the annual admission quota is 100 people.

Graduates of "Temurbeks School" will be awarded 30% additional points to their earned scores in the tests provided by the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan when they apply to enter the higher military and specialized educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and 15% additional points to the earned scores when they apply to other higher educational institutions.

Graduates who have graduated from the Temurbek School with honours will be allowed to enter the higher military or specialized educational institutions under the auspices of ministries and departments, which have a Temurbek school without testing but with the results of successfully passing special-professional selection.

Reference: According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-№ 4375 dated June 28, 2019, Fergana "Temurbeks School" Military-Academic Lyceum of the Ministry of Defense, Kibray "Temurbeks School" Military-Academic Lyceum of State Security Service, Tashkent "Temurbeks School" Military-Academic Lyceum of the National Guard, and the Shakhrisabz "Temurbeks School" Military-Academic Lyceum of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are established.

Admission Procedure:

Residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who have completed the 9th grade of secondary and specialized boarding schools, successfully passed the qualifying competition based on the principles of fairness and transparency, are eligible for admission.

The contest stages:

- preliminary selection;

- Military-professional selection;

- Testing.

Applications for registration of documents for admission to the "Temurbeks School" are accepted annually from April 1 to April 30 in the Department of Defense at the place of residence.

Preliminary selection:

- collection of the necessary documents and reference of the candidate;

- clarifying various details about the applicant (family status, attitudes of parents and close relatives to the military service), the purposes and reasons of the applicant to enrol the "Temurbeks school";

- a comprehensive and fair assessment of school subjects, the state of health, and physical training;

- to analyse the personal and psychological characteristics of applicants.

In the followings cases applicants are not eligible to apply for "Temurbeks School":

  • when the candidate is not a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • when proceeding a criminal case, enquiry and preliminary investigation against the candidate;
  • a conviction for a crime, regardless of the type of punishment or amnesty;
  • presence of negative recommendations from the police from the place of residence.

Military-professional selection:

- analysing the documents and references of the applicant;

- Final medical examination of applicants;

- assessment of the applicant's literacy (orthography and punctuation) (dictation);

- examining the psychophysiological characteristics of applicants;

- determining the level of physical training of applicants;

- organising a final individual interview with the applicant and make the final decision on admission to the test.

The State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan carries out the testing process.

The State Commission for Admission to Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan approves the tests on a block of school subjects.

Applicants will pass the test in one of three languages according to their preferences: Uzbek, Russian and Karakalpak.

Exam tasks are developed according to the National standards of general secondary education (in grades 5 - 9).

Priorities to the applicants:

According to the decision of the State Commission for Admission to Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the following applicants who successfully passed the preliminary and military-professional contest are admitted to the "Temurbek's School" without testing:

  1. A) Winners of international and republican Olympiads - within the established quota;
  2. B) children of military personnel, law enforcement officers and rescue officers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who died in the line of duty and became disabled as a result of an injury - except quotas;
  3. C) Orphans, those who are living in socially disadvantaged families and in need of the state and community support, graduate of the 9th grade in the current year based on the recommendation of the territorial Interdepartmental Commission for Work with Minors, not more than 5% of the established quota.

Winners of national and international sports competitions under the supervision of the Ministry of Sports will be awarded 20% of the points to the earned score from the tests by the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers for entrance to the "Temurbeks School".

Admission procedure:

Enrollment of applicants to the "Temurbeks school" is proceeded based on the results of testing conducted by the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Applicants with the above privileges will be admitted based on the results of the preliminary and military-professional selection.

If the number of applicants who have passed the preliminary and military-professional selection is below the established admission quota, no testing will be conducted, and applicants will be selected on the basis of the results of the preliminary and military-professional selection.

In case of equality score of several applicants, a candidate with the highest test scores in the first block will be accepted, and if the scores are still equal, the sum of the final scores from the math, physics, mother tongue and literature in the Certificate of Secondary Education will be counted, and applicants with higher grades will be admitted.

Graduates of the "Temurbeks School" will receive a diploma and badge.

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