Helpline Regulations

Helpline Regulation


"on receiving appeals by the helpline number 1102" of the MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan


  1. Coverage (passport)

1.1. Service Name

Receiving Applications by helpline 1102.


1.2. Service result

Organizing and controlling timely, complete and strict consideration of the applications received by the Center, ensuring the rights and interests of citizens by providing operative information exchange in this regard.

1.3. Service Office

Department of working with applications of individuals and legal entities of the MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

1.4. Legal basis

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 445 "About appeals of individuals and legal entities" on September 11, 2017.

1.5. A service user

Individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan or their authorized representatives.


1.6. Execution period

Following the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On appeals of individuals and legal entities" the issue will be considered within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the application to the body of internal affairs. In case of necessity to request other documents, and additional investigation (or) inspection the law enforcement agency will consider the appeal within a month.

When it is necessary to conduct an inquiry on the applications, to request additional materials or to take other actions, the time limit for their consideration will be prolonged till one month with the exceptionally reasonable notice from the head of the relevant internal affairs body. The authority will notify the applicant about it.

The bodies of internal affairs will consider the proposal within one month from the date of receipt except for proposals requiring further study. The individual or legal entity who submitted the appeal would be notified within ten days in written form.

  1. Informing service recipients

2.1. Data volume and content:

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent, and the regional departments provide detailed information on the issue in the final response letter.

2.2. Detailed information

The individual's appeal on not responding to his previous request on the same matter if the established time limit by the law for consideration is not finished; it will be explained to the applicant.

2.3. Legal Counsel on Claims

Providing legal Counsel to applicants by the Center staff is prohibited.


  1. Service

3.1. Working Hours

Applications are accepted round the clock by the hotline.

  1. Procedure of services

4.1. Payment of the service

The applications of individuals and legal entities are free of charge.

4.2. Causes for refusal

If the applicant does not provide personal data, based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities" he/she will be explained that his/her application will not be considered.

  1. Quality assurance

5.1. Indicators of quality

Creating favorable conditions for individuals and legal entities to apply to law enforcement agencies, as well as to ensure their rights, freedoms and interests effectively.

5.2. Poor service complains

Individuals and legal entities, in case of their dissatisfaction on service, they have the right to apply in the manner ordered by law.




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